Sunday, February 8, 2009

Pink job, Blue job

I have PMS... I'm bitchy and hungry and I'll cry if you look at me the wrong way (ask Eric). But today I faced some irreparable embarrassment, and it had nothing to do with PMS.

I had to take Sam to the clinic because he has pink eye in both eyes. Kristen had it last week, but the over-the -counter drops worked on hers...Sam's were just not getting better, so I was FORCED to go to the walk-in clinic. We sat there for an hour and a half while the doctor saw 4 f**king patients before us....I'm not kidding! That doctor was NOT moving fast! He looked at Sam's eyes and, yup!! He has pink, of course, OUR appointment only lasted 2 minutes while he wrote the prescription. I bought the 'script and as we left Shopper's Drug Mart I decided to stop on the way home and get gas and a car wash. So, I get the gas and get in line for the car wash.

I'm not sure what was wrong with me (hormones), but I COULD NOT get my tire in the groove thingy so the van could be pulled through the wash. I kept backing up and one time I thought I was in the groove, but it turned out I was ON TOP of it. I put my code in and then backed up again, so by the time I got back up to the intercom, my code was invalid. Whoa now!! I'm not an idiot- but I was not going to get my tire in that groove thingy on my own. So now, 5 minutes has gone by, there's a line-up behind me of 6 cars, the people in the gas station are trying to talk me through it over the intercom....then I see the guy get out of his car to COACH ME ON GETTING MY TIRE INTO THE GROOVE THINGY. I was mortified. I was sweating. I was beyond embarrassment. But- I had a clean van when I finally came through the other side. Yeah..... I've decided that a clean van is not worth my dignity, though. Today I told (cried to) Eric that I've decided that going to the carwash is now a blue job, not a pink job. He agreed, but I'm pretty sure he'd say anything to shut me up today....damned hormones.....

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