Friday, January 2, 2009

The end of a WONDERFUL holiday....

Today is the last official day of Eric's time off of work. On Monday, he's back at it and not happy about it. Can you blame him? The kids are finally old enough to entertain themselves when they wake up at 6am (Sam). Actually, Sam is getting pretty good at playing quietly in the mornings. The only time he wakes us up is to wipe his ass after his morning bowel movement. That kid is like clockwork but he hasn't yet mastered the art of wiping without smearing his hand in it!

We have had a great week of relaxing balanced with regular daily outings and everyone seems very happy.

Let me tell you, though, I have a month left before I go back to school and I intend to use it wisely. I can't wait for everyone to bugger-off back to work and school so I can a) clean the house properly and b) read. I NEED some quiet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In the meantime, I will drive Brandon to his friend's house and I'll try to con one of the kids into babysitting tomorrow night so we can catch up with our friends Jay and this frickin' holiday over yet?!!?

1 comment:

KristywithaK said...

Amen to that sister! It's been like jail for the last two weeks, the warm fuzzies of having the whole fam home wore off about 3 days into our Christmas "stay-cation". Go away all of you!!