Thursday, April 2, 2009

No pain, No gain.

Last week we had "Meet the Teacher" night at high school. The kids didn't tell us about it. I happened to drive by the school the day before, and I saw it on the sign in front. So, I asked Brandon about it since he's the one we're worried about. He said, "Oh yeah. But there's no appointments left." Really?? How convenient for, the next evening while Brandon was at work Eric and I went to the school. We waited outside all of his classes for a chance to meet his teachers. Turns out, he was supposed to make us appointments and most of his teachers were full. But, we still tried to push our way in and we managed to speak to 2/4 of his teachers. His French teacher told us that us getting 21% and his gym teacher said he's doing fine. So, the only subject he is passing is gym. And band. When we got home, Brandon came clean and admitted that he's also failing math and science. **sigh** So, we have a kid who's failing 3 subjects and nobody at the school has called- no teachers, no principal, no guidance counsellor and certainly no Brandon. I guess the school doesn't realize that Brandon has parents at home who actually give a shit about him, but that doesn't excuse the fact that none of his teachers didn't call. And still haven't!

So, we took away his Xbox and his computer privileges and he's grounded from hanging out with his friends.....and I helped him organize his binder and I FORCE him to sit and do his homework every night. So, basically, the entire family is paying for Brandon's refusal to try harder in school. On the plus side, he seems to be losing a lot of that early teen aggression so he's becoming more reasonable. I almost like to talk to him now because he's a little more human, ya know?

I am convinced that we'll get this kid straightened out. We've come way to far with him to let go now. It's just.....painful sometimes.......


Anonymous said...

Hang in there Mom and Dad Forcing him to do his homework is right on track I sometimes wish my Mom aand Dad did the same

Anonymous said...

I hear you my daughter too is failing on subject where the teacher called thank goodness and we are able to make up some marks, one class is at 30% and still no phone call... teacher meeting next week so i too will be waiting... good luck to you