Thursday, November 12, 2009

Problem Solved.

My husband tells me that problems are made to be solved. He says that most men are consumed with facing a problem and figuring out a way to make it better. I guess that's why men never seem to be listening! Maybe it's why women think men are the simpler seems very logical and methodical to consider a problem and find the fastest way to solve it. How hard can that be?? For instance, if a man was on his way to work and his car broke down, he may think "Do I have gas? Yes. Is the engine light on? No. Am I pulled off to the side of the road with my hazards on? Yes. I guess I'll call a tow-truck and have this car towed to the shop." If a woman's car broke down she may think, "Why is this happening to me? Did I piss off Judy at work yesterday? Did she put a curse on me? Does God hate me? Is there a God? Why does the car always break down when I have my 4-inch heels on? Do I look desperate sitting here??" It's nobody's fault. It's just the difference between men and women.

Personally, I think problems are made to be learning opportunities. Instead of looking at everything that happens as a singular event to be worked out, I see these instances as a chance to be introspective and to gain wisdom. Whenever I'm faced with a problem, I try to find the solution in an abstract way....if somebody at work snaps at me, I don't see it as their problem and move on. I am more likely to think, "What is her problem? Maybe she's having a hard time at home...I should try to never snap at my co-workers by working extra hard to maintain harmony at home." You see?? Solving a problem AND deciding to be proactive at avoiding another problem....shit!! Women are awesome! We are multi-taskers by nature. We are complex, yes, but if men could just understand that they would quit trying to figure us out all the time.

I admire the logical way my husband thinks just seems so much more simple. Sometimes, women would like things to be a little simpler. And sometimes, we'd like our men to be a little more complex.

1 comment:

Eric Ilaqua said...