Monday, March 2, 2009

Shit Happens. Literally.

I have had a pretty bad week. I am happy to say that we are on an upswing right now, though, and I have faith that it's going to turn around. If I didn't have faith, I would have to take mood-altering drugs.

Our week started with Sam's tongue and all the nasty side-effects of having a tongue with ulers. The main problem was managing his pain and figuring out what it was in the first place, and we spent a lot of time in and out of the hospitals last week. In fact, to date we have seen 6 doctors (3 paediatricians) and apparently, none of them went to school together because they all have different opinions on what Sam's tongue problem is. We've had one say fungal, one said bacterial, 3 said viral, and one just walked away and didn't say anything! Sam's had 7 blood tests and 2 swabs and we've had no answers. His tongue started healing on Thursday and Thank GOD! Because that's when the puking started.

Seems our "Lucky Sam" picked up a wicked gastro-bug from one of the hospitals we visited.

So, Sam and I spent a couple of days in the hospital. Now he's at the end of day 5 of this bug and right now he's exploding on the toilet. I'm not sure how, since he puked in his bucket at Brandon's birthday dinner tonight.......poor, poor kid......

Brandon turned 15 today and I'm not sure how that happened. Maybe he'll gain a little maturity now that he's a year older? In an ironic twist of fate, Tim Horton's called him tonight to interview for a job!! Happy Birthday to Brandon!!

I had a test today and I didn't have a lot of time to prepare. I was really not feeling good about it at all after I wrote it, but it seems that I had nothing to worry about- I got 82.5%!! That is 10% higher than the class average!!!!! Yay for me!

Gotta cut this short....Sam needs (another) bath to wash away the body fluids.....argh!!!

1 comment:

KristywithaK said...

Way to go Jo you genius! Keep up the hard work, it'll all be worth it in the long run!