Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Do you ever juggle so many things at once that you are afraid to look? Because, if you take the time to look you will surely drop it all. That's how I'm feeling this week. And having my monthly cycle hasn't been helping!

Between school and everything that goes with it (homework, First Aid/CPR, studying) and the family, I'm pretty much fullfilled to the maximum. But this week we need to add on Fifth's Disease (Kristen) and a chest infection (Brandon). So after the furnace guy is done servicing our furnace this morning I have to go to the school to pick up Brandon because he is feeling so bad. He really wanted to go to his girl's house after school today and meet her family so I told him that if he's well enough for that, he's well enough to get to band this morning at 7:45am. But I had a feeling he wouldn't last because when he coughs it rattles the foundation of the house! So I will have 3/4 kids home today. I'm not sure how I will ever manage to have a job! It honestly is a full-time job just to keep track of the kids....then you add the laundry, the cleaning, the cooking and the grocery shopping.....holy sh*t! The truth is, I want to get back to work so I can get away from all of this. And nobody would blame me, either....managing this family is a logistical nightmare- especially with 2 kids with part-time jobs and no driver's licenses and 2 kids who are not old enough to stay alone for a few minutes while you pick them up!

I don't want to sound like I'm complaining here. I love my family and I bring a lot of the chaos into the mix- going to school, selling jewellery- I have too many interests and I REFUSE to let the fact that I have a big family stop me from exploring them. Just don't interrupt me while I'm juggling, please.

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