Sunday, April 12, 2009

Lucky Me.

I am exhausted. Easter is over, the kids are in bed and the dog is eating all the tin foil wrappers she can find on the floor and wedged between the cushions on the couch. I have had a very busy weekend which included a few too many late night/early mornings. It seems as though partying late and getting up early with kids doesn't really jive...but I wouldn't go back and change a thing. You see, I spent a lot of time this weekend with my family and friends and even though I'm falling asleep on my keyboard I can honestly say it was all worth it. I have danced with my husband and my parents, shared dinner with my new kindred spirit Kristy and today I made dinner with my mom, for a group of 16. And when Brandon came home from a neighbour's house he brought 2 or 3 more kids with him! I listened to Kristen giggle and I watched Sam unnecessarily change his clothes 12 or 13 times (it's a phase) I watched Emma with her boyfriend and I realize that she is in love.

Even though I drank too much and exercised too little I feel fullfilled in a way I cannot explain. It's not like that feeling of bloat and regret that you get after you stuff yourself to's more like a feeling of pride, and contentment.....and just plain LOVE. My life is exhausting, for sure. But I have decided that I can sleep when I'm dead.....while I'm here I'm going to enjoy the people in my life that are the most important to me.

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