Monday, January 26, 2009

The Glass is Half-Full Today!

Yes it is! I am determined to remain positive these days... I'm afraid that if I allowed myself the opportunity to dwell on how tired, run-down and sick to HELL I am of the cold weather that I may fall so deep into a depression that I couldn't climb out. Instead, I have decided to focus on the positive side of things.....

For instance, some days I may see Brandon as lazy, a bit rude and not interested in finding a job...but today I am noticing that maybe he's not so lazy but merely tired from staying at his friend's house for 3 nights in a row and staying up late and GAMING. And maybe he's a bit rude because his pants hang down so low that his cold ass is making him a bit grouchy. And maybe his disinterest in finding a job is due to his BUSY social life not mere laziness.....hmmmm....this positive outlook just might work.....

I'm also staying positive about the 4 hours of sleep I got last night because Kristen was up puking. I might say to myself, for instance, "Thank God it was KRISTEN who got sick and not SAM because he's a real suck when it comes to illness!" You see?? Positivity is a Possibility!!

Sam's mouth is almost completely back to normal....too bad his attitude isn't- He's just in his FANTASTIC 4'S!!! Not the easiest age, in my opinion.

But THANK GOD it's not the F**KING 14's.

My glass is sooooo half-full today. I think I'll go fill it to the top with more red wine.

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